Thursday, September 15, 2011


Proportion gives a picture interest by using different sizes of objects to create an effect. For example if there is one specific shape that is duplicated throughout the picture, and then one larger object in the middle, an effect is made. This advertisement for a movie goes by that example. There are many smaller objects that surround the bigger object in the middle. It is as if the larger object dominates the rest of the objects and entire picture. Our eyes first look at the larger dominating object in the center, and then follow around the rest of the picture. This is a great way to give emphasis to a picture.


Repetition is the duplication of one object to create an effect. This principle can be used through colour, shapes, or the placing of an object. In this particular advertisement repetition is used to emphasize the appearance of this product. Not only is repetition used in duplicating the actual product, but it is also used in colour, by using the same colour in different shades throughout the entire picture. The picture is an advertisement for a drink. The bottle is green and so they used that one colour throughout the ad. They related the entire ad to a famous movie, and so they made the environment of the picture a duplicate of the scene we see in the movie. They used the repetition of the bottles and colour to capture our eyes. This was very smart of the company, and I think this is very effective in catching the viewer's attention.


Unity is when all the objects shown in the picture work well together to give one image. It unites everything occuring to express one thought. Harmony is when you combine similar elements to create a satisying effect. The elements can be colours on the colour wheel, or similar shapes. In this advertisement unity is used to advertise a sport. We see two people riding bikes down a path, that really looks like the Earth from outerspace. It looks as if they are bike riding on top of the Earth. The oceans, and the land in the picture work well together to express one thought. The advertisement is trying to say that the displayed bicycles can take you over the world, and you feel as if you can as well. I think this an amazing way to advertise a bike, or even a car.


Gradation is the size, colour, and direction a picture is shown. Some pictures with gradation could include colours fading from dark to light, objects being pixelated in a certain direction, or shapes disappearing throughout the photo. In this advertisement pixelation is used to advertise a laptop. The picture on the screen of the laptop is coming out of the screen and being pixelated towards the viewer. This is a great way to advertise the act of experiencing an actual product.


Balance is when there is one large object in a picture, and a smaller object near it. Having one large picture in the middle, draws the eyes towards it. Adding another smaller sized picture next to it creates balance. Many makeup, or perfume ads tend to include balance in their pictures. In this particular advertisement there is an enlarged picture of a model wearing a specific type of makeup, and next to her is a smaller picture of the actual bottle of makeup she is wearing. First our eyes our focused on the model, and then we see the product. I find that this is a great way for a company to advertise their product. 


Contrast is using compositions to create interest. It is the appliance of contradicting elements.These elements can be of different segments, such as two opposing colours on the colour wheel. In this particular picture, the usage of the colour wheel is shown.  There are so many different colours in this picture, which cause confusion in the eyes, on where to look. The advertisement is for CocaCola, and I think that using contrast to advertise a product is very smart, and eye catching.